Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Things I learned from being a banker on Robert Kiyosaki's Cashflow 101

For the first three times that I played cashflow 101, I have been a solo player among a group of 4 to 5 players. At first, I had the fear of "losing" in the game, so I researched so much about how to play so I wouldn't fail. As expected though, I was not able to get out of the rat race because I was analyzing everything to the detail so I'm sure I'm doing the right thing in choosing my investments. The downside was, we all lost valuable time in the game and my passive income was less than my expenses (my profession was a Pilot).

So when I decided to bring the game in Davao City, I opted to become the banker so that many others can be a part of the game. I'm very happy to have met people who are enthusiastic about playing and I learned so much from them.

Special mention to: Ate Lora, Morris, Mariel, Rhyian, JM, PJ, Joy, Manya, Rommel and wife Tess, Frician and mom Ging.

Here are the things I learned from being a Banker and moderator of the game:

1) I never ran out of money - because I am holding ALL the money. As Bo Sanchez said, we have to enlarge our psychological wallet - that is, the amount of money we can handle without being overwhelmed (and spend it all in luxuries). Some of the attendees were a part of Bo Sanchez' Truly Rich Club.

As the banker, there were times that I give the players more money or less money but they were honest enough to ask or give back the amount that is right. Later I realized that when I already have my real business, I should be more careful in handling money because I might lose some of it if I’m not careful.

2) Players play faster when they are pressured by time. During the first game on July 29, when I announced that there is on 30 minutes remaining in the game, everyone negotiated, bought assets, paid off their debts all together at once! I think this is the time when everyone were on their feet and wished they had done more investing earlier rather than catching up.

In the real world, they say that the best time to invest and increase financial knowledge is NOW – regardless of your age.

3) Play in pairs. When I attended the Think Rich Pinoy seminar, the cashflow moderator, Ronald Cagape said that spouses/partners can play as one. That way, once they apply what they have learned in the game to real life, they know how to decide together and reach a conclusion as one. In the August 9 game, two players played as pairs – Rommel and wife Tess and Frician and Mom Ging.

When I asked them how they felt, here’s what they shared:

Frician – She is more sure of her decision because her mom approved of it.
Rommel – Both agreed on their decisions and that would minimize or eliminate pointing figures against one another if ever something goes wrong in the future.

All of the players thank me for bringing the game to them. But the truth is, I am more thankful to all of them for being present on the game. I like surrounding myself with individuals who wanted to be financially independent.

To our success,


PS. Larry Gamboa and Bo Sanchez will give the Think Rich Pinoy Seminar this November 21 at the Philamlife Building in UN avenue in Manila. Larry will discuss his unique Real Estate methods, buying foreclosed properties and turning them around for passive income. You’ll also get to play Robert Kiyosaki’s CashFlow Game and learn! To attend, click here now!

Click here to view the details of the Think Rich Pinoy! Wealth Seminar

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