Monday, September 21, 2009

Have You Acquired your First Deal?

If you have acquired your first deal, Congratulations! You are one of the 3% of the people who read books and attend seminars on real estate who actually went out and bought their investment property.

For the rest who have not yet done it, my mentor on Real Estate - Trace Trajano has an audio CD "How to Acquire your First Deal" - which he wants to give out for FREE. In this CD, Trace interviewed 2 of his students who recently acquired and completed their very first deals in a webinar (online seminar).

How to get it?

By simply signing up in his website, every member will get the CD if by September 30, there are 1,000 signed-up members in the site. Sign-up now, and invite all your friends so we can all listen to the inspiring stories on how to acquire investment properties.


PS2. Larry Gamboa and Bo Sanchez will give the Think Rich Pinoy Seminar this November 21 at the Philamlife Building in UN avenue in Manila. Larry will discuss his unique Real Estate methods, buying foreclosed properties and turning them around for passive income. You’ll also get to play Robert Kiyosaki’s CashFlow Game and learn! To attend, click here now!

Click here to view details of the Think Rich Pinoy Wealth Seminar

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Meeting my Idols

I had the pleasure of being part of the Think Rich Pinoy! Wealth Seminar last August 1, and meet Larry Gamboa, author of the Think Rich Pinoy book. It was a fun experience, especially that I’m with my friends and future business partners (Morris, Ate Lora, Gina, Ailene, Leah and other co-members of the in Real Estate.

As one of the speakers, Bo Sanchez was exceptional in inspiring us be truly rich to be able to help others. He stressed that we should be abundant so we can share our blessings with others. As usual, his humorous preaching kept everyone awake and glued to his talk.

What I am most excited is Larry Gamboa’s part of the seminar. He explained to us the basics of real estate investing (i.e. foreclosed properties). Since there is more to learn, he emphasized the need to research more and if possible, have a real estate mentor.

Let me share with you my top 3 experiences during the seminar:

1) Have your book signed and your picture taken from the authors –

I realized that there’s more to a book that meets the eye! Meeting the authors in person and listening to what they have to say is a better way of learning. I admit that I was star-strucked when I saw Bo Sanchez and Larry Gamboa. They are both best selling authors. The former focused on being truly rich and the latter on real estate as a wealth vehicle.

Lesson 1: Have your booked signed by the author!
2) Play Robert Kiyosaki’s Cashflow 101

I love playing cashflow 101 with different persons whom I just met. This way, another person brings new perspective to the lesson of financial literacy.

I learned from Ronald Cagape that playing cashflow for 1 hour is equivalent to 10 years in real life. He also explained that for the 1st few small deals, it's better to acquire assets on your own, rather than to share them with others, as this would give more personal satisfaction when you succeed.
If you are from Davao, join us at or if you from Dubai, click on

Lesson 2: Play Cashflow 101 and share it to everyone you know.

3) Surround yourself with people who thinks the way you do

While in the seminar, I realized that I’m in a room full of people who are willing and committed to achieve financial freedom. This is a breather from those times when I’m with others who are always negative and wants to stay on their jobs for security throughout their lives.

I have exchanged emails and contact numbers with some of my fellow participants to stay in touch and exchange ideas on financial education.

Remember that I got star-strucked when I saw Bo and Larry? Well, I got over it and actually approached them for a small chat and have my picture taken with them!

Lesson 3: Surround yourself with positive people!

Some of my friends are also interested in the seminar but was not able to attend it last August. Good thing there is another seminar coming this November.
I consider attending this seminar as my initial investment into my real estate venture!
P.S. Other pics from the seminar below:

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